Principal Message

Yoga & Meditation

To make the mind of the child learning for education it was felt necessary to look for our traditional Ashram pattern of those school used to start from yoga and mediation which our education system forgot to implement.

1. Yoga

Healthy body and healthy mind is essential part of good education. Years ago in Ashram pattern schools ‘Yogabhyas’ was the basic part of the regular teaching. Chanakya Vidya Mandir has adopted ‘yogabhyas’ for physical exercise. For this purpose each child has to participate in this activity.

2. Meditation

For good education a diversified mind is a basic weak point and to avoid this problem, this Niketan starts a meditation exercise in the preliminary stage, it is done on optional basis. However, its results are very encouraging and satisfying so the meditation activity will be made a regular feature in the child life.

English Speaking Programme

Since Chanakya Vidya Mandir is started to provide education through English Medium it wa felt essential to bring perfection in English speaking. For this purpose and English conversation, atmosphere is being created and tutorial classes are being arranged in the class rooms.


School Tours are arranged every year according to age-group of the children. Duration of the tour may be of one day for nursery classes and 2 to 3 days for primary classes. Tours are also arranged either in Deepawali/winter break or in the summer vacation as per requirement of the syllabus. Under this programme, the children will be acquainted and benefitted with the knowledge & uses of nature, topography, history, historical back ground, environmental situation and climatic conditions of the cities and places visited.

Games and Cultural Activities

Games : To develop good physique of the child, it is compulsory for every student to participate in school games activites. Provision & Facilities for out door games are also made available. Class-wise games competitions are conducted every year and wide chances are being given to the child to come forward and improve the performance.